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Workshop #1 - Hetionet
"Hetionet is a comprehensive knowledge graph that integrates diverse biomedical data to uncover relationships between diseases, drugs, genes, and other biological entities, driving deeper insights in the life sciences."
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Query samples for Demo
Retrieve the database model
CALL db.schema.visualization();
Finds all DISEASE nodes that containing "rheuma" in the the node attribut "name"
match (d:Disease)
where contains "rheuma"
return d
Finds all GENE nodes with a relationship type "ASSOCIATED_DaG" with the "rheumatoid arthritis" DISEASE.
match (d:Disease)-[r:ASSOCIATES_DaG]->(g:Gene)
where = "rheumatoid arthritis"
return d, r, g
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Retrieve the database model
CALL db.schema.visualization();
Finds all DISEASE nodes that containing "rheuma" in the the node attribut "name"
match (d:Disease)
where contains "rheuma"
return d
Finds all GENE nodes with a relationship type "ASSOCIATED_DaG" with the "rheumatoid arthritis" DISEASE.
match (d:Disease)-[r:ASSOCIATES_DaG]->(g:Gene)
where = "rheumatoid arthritis"
return d, r, g
Find all genes that participate in the mitotic spindle checkpoint and are expressed in the lung
MATCH (bp:BiologicalProcess)-[x:PARTICIPATES_GpBP]-(gene:Gene)-[y:EXPRESSES_AeG]-(anatomy:Anatomy)
WHERE = 'mitotic spindle checkpoint' AND = 'lung'
RETURN bp,gene,anatomy,x,y
Compounds that target genes involved in myelation.
Demyelination is the cause of much disability in multiple sclerosis patients. Below is a simple query to find all compounds that bind to proteins whose genes are involved in myelination:
MATCH path = (n0:BiologicalProcess)-[:PARTICIPATES_GpBP]-(n1)-[:BINDS_CbG]-(n2:Compound) WHERE = 'myelination' RETURN path
The targets responsible for a side effect
Here we'll investigate a query to identify genes which cause a given side effect when targeted by a compound. Let's look at the side effect Cushingoid (C0332601). The following query identifies the genes that are commonly targeted by Cushingoid-causing compounds:
MATCH path = (n0:SideEffect)-[r1:CAUSES_CcSE]-(n1:Compound)-[r2:BINDS_CbG]-(n2:Gene) WHERE = 'Cushingoid' WITH [ size((n0)-[:CAUSES_CcSE]-()), size(()-[:CAUSES_CcSE]-(n1)), size((n1)-[:BINDS_CbG]-()), size(()-[:BINDS_CbG]-(n2)) ] AS degrees, path, n2 WITH n2, count(path) AS PC, sum(reduce(pdp = 1.0, d in degrees| pdp * d ^ -0.4)) AS DWPC RETURN n2.identifier AS gene_id, AS gene_symbol, n2.description AS gene_name, PC, DWPC ORDER BY DWPC DESC, gene_symbol
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